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Analytics is Key to Business Success

Analytics is Key to Business Success
In our world where we do our research and shopping in more of an online approach we need to know what our future clients are looking for. Releasing content via web pages is good but how do you know how much traffic each of those pages are getting? The answer is analytics and it is an incredible research tool for business success.

"The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight." - (Source: Carly Fiorina)

When utilizing analytics you need to view a date range of interest and see how many clicks and views your web pages are getting during that time. Clicks determine how many times the page was clicked on and views determine how much a visitor is viewing the page. Basically there is a set time for views where if you reload a page five times you will get five clicks but only one view provided the time when views reset has not been reached. Once that time has been reached then visiting that page again will cause the view count to increase by one.

There are key features that analytics should have that truly lets you evaluate your website's traffic and helps you grow your business.
1. A date range approach in order to see how many clicks and views that your web pages are getting during that time.
2. Another date range approach to compare to the previous date range approach of data which determines how much the clicks and views have increased or decreased. Both a number and percentage representing the increase or decrease helps here.
3. A graphical representation of the analytics in order to have a visual representation to see how much the website traffic has changed.
4. Export capabilities of your analytics based on your date range searches. This gives you easy to get analytics data for meetings in order to determine future moves in order to grow your business.
5. A smaller subset of analytics data of something like clicks and views of each day in a month along with an average and total. This is really helpful when you want to see how the website traffic looked each day during the time an event took place.

Fortunately Site Beyond offers all of this and more. You can visit our Custom Analytics page in order to get more information on how our analytics works.

Remember a good business constantly changes in regards to what is in demand and a research tool like analytics is key to making the right changes in order to keep current clients and gain new clients.