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4 Results
The Beauty of Parallax
The Beauty of Parallax
Parallax is a beautiful addition to websites that has an attention-grabbing effect. Parallax is a scrolling effect that moves and/or changes items on a webpage based on how much it's scrolled upon.

You can see two parallax examples on our website. ...
What is a Video Banner?
What is a Video Banner?
A Video Banner is a video that automatically plays on repeat without any sound. Sometimes a Video Banner can have a pause/play button that stops and starts the video. Video Banners also typically have text overlapping them and can sometimes have imag ...
What is a Fixed Header?
What is a Fixed Header?
A Fixed Header (also sometimes known as a Sticky Header) is a special kind of header that travels down with you in regards to where you scroll to within the page. This type of header does not stay at the top of the page but it instead stays at the to ...
The Beauty of Parallax
The Beauty of Parallax
Parallax is a beautiful addition to websites that has an attention-grabbing effect. Parallax is a scrolling effect that moves and/or changes items on a webpage based on how much it's scrolled upon.

You can see two parallax examples on our website. ...
What is a Video Banner?
What is a Video Banner?
A Video Banner is a video that automatically plays on repeat without any sound. Sometimes a Video Banner can have a pause/play button that stops and starts the video. Video Banners also typically have text overlapping them and can sometimes have imag ...
What is a Fixed Header?
What is a Fixed Header?
A Fixed Header (also sometimes known as a Sticky Header) is a special kind of header that travels down with you in regards to where you scroll to within the page. This type of header does not stay at the top of the page but it instead stays at the to ...
The Beauty of Parallax
The Beauty of Parallax
Parallax is a beautiful addition to websites that has an attention-grabbing effect. Parallax is a scrolling effect that moves and/or changes items on a webpage based on how much it's scrolled upon.

You can see two parallax examples on our website. ...
What is a Video Banner?
What is a Video Banner?
A Video Banner is a video that automatically plays on repeat without any sound. Sometimes a Video Banner can have a pause/play button that stops and starts the video. Video Banners also typically have text overlapping them and can sometimes have imag ...
What is a Fixed Header?
What is a Fixed Header?
A Fixed Header (also sometimes known as a Sticky Header) is a special kind of header that travels down with you in regards to where you scroll to within the page. This type of header does not stay at the top of the page but it instead stays at the to ...
The Beauty of Parallax
The Beauty of Parallax
Parallax is a beautiful addition to websites that has an attention-grabbing effect. Parallax is a scrolling effect that moves and/or changes items on a webpage based on how much it's scrolled upon.

You can see two parallax examples on our website. ...
What is a Video Banner?
What is a Video Banner?
A Video Banner is a video that automatically plays on repeat without any sound. Sometimes a Video Banner can have a pause/play button that stops and starts the video. Video Banners also typically have text overlapping them and can sometimes have imag ...
What is a Fixed Header?
What is a Fixed Header?
A Fixed Header (also sometimes known as a Sticky Header) is a special kind of header that travels down with you in regards to where you scroll to within the page. This type of header does not stay at the top of the page but it instead stays at the to ...
The Beauty of Parallax
The Beauty of Parallax
Parallax is a beautiful addition to websites that has an attention-grabbing effect. Parallax is a scrolling effect that moves and/or changes items on a webpage based on how much it's scrolled upon.

You can see two parallax examples on our website. ...
What is a Video Banner?
What is a Video Banner?
A Video Banner is a video that automatically plays on repeat without any sound. Sometimes a Video Banner can have a pause/play button that stops and starts the video. Video Banners also typically have text overlapping them and can sometimes have imag ...
What is a Fixed Header?
What is a Fixed Header?
A Fixed Header (also sometimes known as a Sticky Header) is a special kind of header that travels down with you in regards to where you scroll to within the page. This type of header does not stay at the top of the page but it instead stays at the to ...