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Form Data Grows your Business

Form Data Grows your Business
Form Data is the staple in regards to collecting information from website visitors and turning them into future clients. Form data in and of itself is what lets you know what your future clients are wanting and it is key in helping you change your business over time in order to better suit your current and future client's needs.

"The core advantage of data is that it tells you something about the world that you didn't know before." - (Source: Hilary Mason)

Of course powerful and comfortable forms are essential in regards to getting many website visitors to fill them out and provide you with that data.

Here is a list of features that forms should have
1. Forms should be responsive so that they can be filled out comfortably on any device.
2. Form should have proper validation for fields like email or phone so that the data you receive is easy to understand and work with.
3. Forms should have an error display popup that lets the website visitors know which fields need to be changed/populated in order to submit the form.
4. Forms should retain the field data that you entered in times when the website visitor missed filling out a required field or filed out another field improperly.
5. Forms should have abilities to reduce being spammed, one such solution is that the form has a captcha but there are others.

You can take a look at both of our forms on our website, Schedule a Demo and Contact Us in order to see how powerful and comfortable these forms are to use.

You can also look at our Form Data Management product in order to get information on how we can provide a very comfortable, organizational and powerful system for managing your form data all found within the Backoffice which helps you get future leads which leads to your business growing.