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Carousels, a Businesses Content Slideshow

Carousels, a Businesses Content Slideshow
Carousels are components of a website that can give a slideshow of important items such as events, sellable items, topics, and so much more. Carousels have clickable parts to them which let you cycle through the carousel slides and it gives visitors of your website a lot of previewed content utilizing a small area of the webpage.

Here at Site Beyond we can build carousels that have slides with summaries and page linking pieces. We also let you choose the type of carousel selectors being that of circles, ovals, squares, or rectangles. Along with that, we have transition effects that you can choose from being that of sliding horizontal, sliding vertical, sliding diagonally up, sliding diagonally down, fading in, and no transition where the next slide just appears. We let you choose the transition time that the carousel takes to change slides and the slides don't even have to be images as we can also make slides with videos and audio pieces. When it comes to the carousel slides appearing and disappearing from the carousel we can set dates for each so that happens automatically or we can leave them in the carousel until you want them removed.

You can see an example of one of our carousels at the top of our client Saint John's Law's home page.

Carousels are a great way to give visitors of your website a way to preview certain timed items/events as the carousel can be ever-changing, so this can be special sales, the dates of events, etc... Having a carousel makes it that much more likely that it will catch a viewer's eye and it increases the changes that they will further invest time into seing what that actual content is thus increasing the chances of future leads and sales.