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What is a Fixed Header?

What is a Fixed Header?
A Fixed Header (also sometimes known as a Sticky Header) is a special kind of header that travels down with you in regards to where you scroll to within the page. This type of header does not stay at the top of the page but it instead stays at the top of the window which means that no matter where you scroll to, the header will always be available at the top of the viewable window.

Typically a header will have primary navigation and sometimes it will also have secondary navigation. It may even have social media and a page search option. Whatever your header has within it, the advantage of a Fixed Header is the fact that the visitors of your website will always have access to that header along with everything contained within it regardless of where they scroll to within the page.

We have a Fixed Header within our website and a good way to experience it is by scrolling within the Home page as it is the longest page with information that our website has.

The truth is that having the header always be available, regardless of the scroll position within the device in which you're viewing the website, only gives the visitors of your website the full idea of what you're trying to offer. This gives them the comfortability of being able to navigate your website in an easy way at all times and it reduces the probability that they'll navigate to your competition's website as they will have a full pallet of information to utilize at all times.