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The Beauty of Parallax

The Beauty of Parallax
Parallax is a beautiful addition to websites that has an attention-grabbing effect. Parallax is a scrolling effect that moves and/or changes items on a webpage based on how much it's scrolled upon.

You can see two parallax examples on our website. At the top of our Home page you will notice an image of a laptop, tablet, and phone. You will also notice that each device has text within them. When you scroll within the webpage you will notice that the devices will move and the text within them will move even more than the device's movement rate. We also change the direction that they move depending on the screen size of the device used to view the webpage. Another page on our website which has a parallax effect is our About Us page. As you scroll within this webpage you will notice that the container of text will move.

Here at Site Beyond we give multiple transition effects when it comes to parallax and these effects include movement transition effects, (Which can be in any direction), visible/invisible transition effects, and enlarging/shrinking transition effects. We also control the rate that the transition effect changes so it does not need to move/change with respect to 100% of the scrolling rate, it can move at any percentage of that scrolling rate that you desire. Our parallax is also not just limited to text and images as it can even be utilized with audio items and videos.

Parallax is one of those things where it's great in small doses. You want enough parallax where it's eye-catching but not too much where it affects the web page's usability and the website visitor's experience. When you have the right amount of parallax it is attention-grabbing and will increase the probability that the visitors of your website will further interact with your website thus increasing the chances for future leads and sales.