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Are Sitemaps Necessary?

Are Sitemaps Necessary?
A Sitemap is a navigation mapping of your website. It lets search engines know how to find, crawl and index your site. Sitemaps can also tell search engines how to prioritize what pages should have higher searching priority when compared to others.

Sitemaps come in two versions:
1. There is the XML version which is what the search engines use to find, crawl, prioritize, and index pages.
2. There is the webpage version that shows the navigation hierarchy tree of the website.

Both Sitemap versions increase SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The XML version in and of itself helps with SEO as search engines use them to find, crawl, prioritize and index pages. The webpage version shows a mapping of the navigation hierarchy tree of the website and the mapping is represented by internal links which boost the SEO rankings of the site. For more information on the benefits of SEO you can visit our SEO service page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well as our blog post What is SEO. You can also visit our Sitemap page in order to see how it looks and functions.

In conclusion, Sitemaps are indeed necessary. They increase your SEO rankings and they show the navigation hierarchy tree of the website. Sitemaps increase the chances that a future client will come across your website and they give them another way to navigate your site.