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The Importance of a Page Search

The Importance of a Page Search
When visitors come across your website they will first notice the header and its navigation items. Though these navigation items will give the visitors a categorical view of what your website has to offer, there is only so much that it can show in its limited space within the header. This is where the Page Search comes in and shows itself to be a valuable tool that keeps the visitors from moving on to the next website in order to search for the topic that they're interested in.

The Page Search lets you search through web pages based on your search criteria. It typically returns results based on a title, path, short description, and on occasion an image. This gives the visitor the chance to type in their topic of interest and get results quickly. This will not only keep the visitor on your website but could in fact get you a sale due to having the information quickly and easily accessible.

If you look at the header of our website you will see our Page Search located in the top right corner. Go ahead and try searching for something and you will see the results come in based on your search criteria.

Remember that there are many websites out there and people will go through one site after another until they find the information that interests them so why not give them the tool that makes acquiring that information easy.

Sales are made based on information so having your information accessible in this fast in an easy way only increases your chance for a future clients.