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The Benefits of a Breadcrumb Trail

The Benefits of a Breadcrumb Trail
A Breadcrumb Trail is an important navigation tool that gives visitors of your website links to pages that were visited before in order to get to the current page. If the page was found in a way other than going down the path of what the Breadcrumb Trail shows, then there is the added benefit of having easy access to the pages that lead to the current page.

There are multiple benefits to having a Breadcrumb Trail on your website.
1. A Breadcrumb Trail presents a nice navigational representation of a path in which visitors can travel down in order to get to the current page.
2. If the Breadcrumb Trail path was traveled down in order to get to the current page, then the Breadcrumb Trail give the visitors of your website an easy way to backtrack quickly to areas that they visited before.
3. If the Breadcrumb Trail path was not traveled down in order to get to the current page, then the Breadcrumb Trail shows pages that lead to the current page. This is especially useful for group pages such as blogs, housing listings, a restaurant menu, etc... and sub-pages such as blog posts, houses, menu items, etc... If you're currently viewing a sub-page then you can easily navigate back to the group page and view other sub-pages all thanks to the Breadcrumb Trail.
4. A Breadcrumb Trail improves your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings as the trail itself is a combination of internal links. For more information on the benefits of SEO you can visit our SEO service page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well as our blog post What is SEO.

You can see an example of a breadcrumb trail by scrolling to the top of this blog post. The breadcrumb trail is Home > Blog > The Benefits of a Breadcrumb Trail While "The Benefits of a Breadcrumb Trail" is not a link as it represents the current page that you're on, both Blog and Home are links that can be traveled down in order to get to the current page.

A Breadcrumb Trail is a tool that relieves frustration especially when it comes to cases where a wrong area was accidentally navigated to. Presenting your website visitors ways to navigate back fast or areas that relate to your current page gives the visitors comfortability and increases the probability of a sale.