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Branding, why it's Important

Branding, why it
Branding is key when it comes to representing your business and a well designed logo lets your future clients know what your business is about.

"The strongest logos tell simple stories." - (Source: Sol Sender)

When it comes to your logo you need it to tell a story about your business based on how it's designed. If your logo is too complicated then it will not be recognizable and it won't stay in memory and if your logo is too simple then it will have no story to tell. The goal is to get your logo to a state where it's not too complicated and not too simple.

Take a look at our logo for Site Beyond.

You will see that it is a pink lotus flower with 5 pedals holding a planet with 3 craters. The planet with its 3 craters represents our services that we offer. The planet itself represents Web Hosting and the 3 craters represent Web Development, Web Design/Branding and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The lotus flower is similar to that idea but it represents the products that we offer. The lotus flower itself represents the Backoffice and the 5 pedals represent Custom Analytics, Form Data Management, User/User Group Management, Search Components and Store/E-Commerce. The idea of the lotus flower is that it rises out of the water and with it holding the planet that display represents that its reach is far beyond hence why our company's name is Site Beyond and that we will take your business beyond.

Great branding can really show a future client that you are the right pick for their business. It shows professionalism and gives them an idea of what your business is about and it's a perfect ice breaking story with your future clients.

As the saying goes "A picture is worth a thousand words" so make each of those words important when it comes to your logo.

When we design your logo we will make sure that the story it tells is significant and memorable.