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The Advantages of Clean URLs

The Advantages of Clean URLs
Clean URLs offer visitors of your website URLs that are easy to read and remember. These types of URLs don't have query strings that contain parameters within the URL and have a ? and can sometimes have &'s depending on how many URL parameters there are. Clean URLs also don't have coding language extensions at the end of them like .aspx, .py, .php, .rb, etc...

An example of a Clean URL can be seen with the current URL of this blog post. This page is a blog item of the Blog itself. Let's say that this blog page has an ID of 1, well instead of the URL being something like http://www.sitebeyondco.com/blog?blogid=1, the URL is instead http://www.sitebeyondco.com/blog/the-advantages-of-clean-urls which is much easier to read, remember and it gives information about the webpage itself.

Another advantage of Clean URLs is the fact that search engines like these types of URLs as they help increase your SEO rankings. For more information on the benefits of SEO you can visit our SEO service page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well as our blog post What is SEO.

Having a website with Clean URLs even makes it easy to give website links out in person through approaches like conversations and business cards. Whether people learn about these links online or in the real world, Clean URLs increase the chances that your website will be visited.