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Is Design Important?

Is Design Important?
A beautifully designed website is key to attracting business in a virtual space.

The look of your website is your future prospective client's first impression of your business online. As the business world goes more and more into a virtual space you want to make sure that you look relevant in your industry and a beautifully designed website is your first step to achieving that goal.

"That same study found that 46% of consumers base their decisions on the credibility of a website from its visual appeal & aesthetics." - (Source: The Real Business of Web Design, John Waters)

A poorly designed website will give the impression that your company is not relevant in the industry.

"Users spend an average of 5.59 seconds looking at a website's written content" - (Source: Eye-tracking study by Missouri University of S&T)

If you have a poorly designed website the potential client is more likely to move to your competitor.

You want your potential client to have a wonderful experience when interacting with your site. Design is not only the look of the site but it's also the layout in how the user interacts with it.

"Judgments on a company's credibility are 75% based on the company's website design." - (Source: Web Credibility Research from Stanford)

These are just some of the reasons why you would want to invest in a beautifully designed website with great usability for your company.