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What is SEO?

What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the key to help potential clients find your website.

Searching through a search engine is one of the most popular ways in which your potential clients can find your website. SEO helps with this as it pushes your website to a higher ranking on a list when a search engine is looking for relative keywords. This helps as a good amount of SEO can bring your website to a higher place in a search engines list when compared to your competitors. A future client will always click on the website higher up in a search engines list. You have to ask yourself how often when you search online are you going to websites on the 10th page of returned content from a search engine.

One of the ways to achieve great SEO is with a clean and user-friendly designed website which is generated with great page layouts, nice structured navigation, and clean urls. Other ways to achieve a higher ranking in SEO is to constantly change content on your website and to add metadata which is hidden text that search engines look for. This is why it's so important to have a beautifully designed website with ever changing content.

SEO is one of the most important ways to market your company in the virtual space.