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Why Websites Need to be Responsive

Why Websites Need to be Responsive
Websites have changed dramatically within the last few decades. One of the biggest changes is the fact that you no longer need a desktop computer to view and interact with websites. Whether it be a phone, a tablet, an iPad, etc..., they all need to be able to interact with the website in a design and interactiveness that is best suited for the device.

Responsive layouts for smaller devices can't just be a desktop view of a website shrunk down, they need to be redesigned and relayered around those devices. A good website will always have multiple layouts in response to different device screen sizes.

"Responsive Web Design always plays an important role whenever going to promote your website." - (Source: Josh Wilson)

These days a website is accessed more from a phone rather than a desktop computer. This means that even if the website looks and interacts great when viewing it from a desktop computer it does not guarantee that you'll get a new client or potential sale unless viewing the website from other devices such as a phone is an enjoyable experience as well.